Our Human Design Solar Return Report provides a detailed breakdown of your Solar cycle. Unlike longer cycles such as Uranus or Saturn, which are around purpose, a Solar cycle provides the opportunity for you to use your Strategy and Authority to select the correct themes as they present themselves. This Report delves into the Nodal Environment and Line themes present for the cycle year. It examines the Centers defined by the return and explores the themes that arise as a result. If the Solar Return activates Gates that create Channels, the report provides insights into these, explaining the distinctions between Educational and Personal Channels and the attributes they bring. Additionally, the report covers all Environmental Gates. It closes with an overview of the remaining undefined Centers, reminding you how the shadow mind can continue to corrupt your decision-making.
When purchasing a Report, one can choose from different astrological systems such as Tropical, Sidereal, 13-Sign Sidereal, True Sidereal-K (Kanstas) and -C (Chimenti). By default, at checkout, the astrological system is set to Tropical. Human Design is traditionally Tropical. We only recommend selecting another system if you fully understand that calculation.
Will you meet new people that offer lessons or opportunities that support a new direction? How will you know if these should be embraced with open arms or cautiously approached? Why not glimpse the themes you will likely experience from one birthday to the next by investing in a Solar Return Report?